Dan and Betty Churchill Exploration Fund

Churchill Exploration Fund Opportunities

Through another generous gift from Dan and Betty Churchill, we are pleased to announce the 2007 Churchill Exploration Fund grants.  These grants promote student participation in scientific exploration, and are particularly geared towards the inclusion of students in field expeditions when such activity is not otherwise supported.  The goal of the Fund is to create unique field-based research opportunities that enrich student education.  The grant competition is open to any graduate or undergraduate student (or student group) working with a CCI faculty member. 

To apply for support from the Churchill Exploration Fund

Please send your request to Karl Kreutz (karl.kreutz at maine.edu), Dan Sandweiss (grad.dean at umit.maine.edu), and CCI Director Paul Mayewski (paul.mayewski at maine.edu).  State in less than two pages the goals and rationale for your request, a detailed budget, and project schedule.  Requests for equipment are restricted to consumable items, and have a $300 maximum. Awardees are required to provide a research report upon completion of their project and prior to the annual CCI fall trip.  Awardees will also provide information for the expeditions section of the CCI website (see  2005 Expeditions for examples from last year).


2005 Projects, 2006 Projects, 2007 Projects

ts, 2006 Projects, 2007 Projects