

Dr. Karl Kreutz, Director
Doug Introne

The University of Maine Stable Isotope Lab specializes in the measurement and interpretation of the light stable isotopic ratios of environmentally relevant elements (hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur). Housed in the Sawyer Environmental Research Center, the SIL is primarily a facility of the Climate Change Institute, and serves the research needs of the Institute faculty, staff, graduate, and undergraduate students.

The SIL staff actively collaborate with researchers within and outside the University of Maine, principally those interested in climate and hydrological dynamics, paleoclimate, environmental geochemistry, and modern/paleocological studies. Currently, the SIL operates three gas-source mass spectrometers with various peripheral devices for the analysis of inorganic and organic materials, and includes facilities for fieldwork staging, sample preparation, data reduction, and data analysis. Research opportunities are available in several globally distributed projects related to isotope geochemistry, and interested students are encouraged to contact us.

Stable Isotope Lab
Climate Change Institute
Department of Geological Studies
236 Sawyer Environmental Research Center
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469
email: Karl.Kreutz at maine.edu
Phone: 207 581-3011
Fax: 207 581-3490

email: Karl.Kreutz at maine.edu
Phone: 207 581-3011
Fax: 207 581-3490