Abrupt Climate Change - Ice cores from Patagonia

NOAA This project is supported by a grant from NOAA, Office of Global Programs

Paul Mayewski, Andrei Kurbatov, Dan Dixon,
Erich Osterberg, UMaine
Charlie Porter, Patagonia Research Foundation and UMaine

Mike Ellis and Scott Mason, Stonehaven Productions, Canada
February 20, 2005 to March 22, 2005

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Mount Darwin
Icebergs on the beach
Fantastic shapes - ice on the beach
Beached ice
Dolphins at play
Andrei and Dan on the boat

Route and site map
Date: Wednesday, March 9th 2005
Time: 11:45 pm
Location: S 54.77378 W 69.59059
Temperature: 8°C 46°F
Wind speed: 20 mph17.3 knots
Wind chill: 4°C 39°F
Altitude: 2m
Weather: Rain and Snow

One last mission to the 300m site was required to retrieve all our remaining gear. We hiked up amidst snow and rain, reached the 300m site within an hour (record time) and then hiked down with the remaining gear in less than two hours (another team record) thanks to Andrei’s expert route-finding ability.

Back at base camp we had to dismantle the tents, pack up all the gear and then carry it all over to the beach ready for the arrival of Charlie in the Zodiac. Scott went back with the first load of gear and the rest of us waited on the beach amongst the stranded icebergs. Eventually, Charlie returned to pick us and the remaining gear up. The Zodiac ride back to Ocean Tramp took about an hour; we were accompanied the whole way by playful dolphins that kept trying to splash us. Charlie had also prepared his own special surprise for us, a piping hot chocolate drink with a touch of pisco added – the perfect warmer-upper on a cold, wet day.

Back at the boat we unloaded the Zodiac and dried ourselves off ready for dinner. Klara and Martin had prepared a lovely feast of steak and mash and after eating we all took turns to have warm showers, absolute luxury! We plan to head back to Puerto Williams tomorrow, but right now we are all focused on one thing only – a good nights sleep, sweet dreams!

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