
Publications of US ITASE Results - Page 4

Hamilton, G.S., V.B. Spikes, H.J. Zwally and J. Li. 2003. Glaciological field measurements in West Antarctica in support of ICESat laser altimetry. EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys. Union), 84(48), p. F380.

Hamilton, G.S. and P.A. Mayewski. 2003. Secrets of the Ice: interactive outreach as part of the International Trans Antarctic Scientific Expedition. EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys. Union), 84(48), p. F421.

Hamilton, G.S. and V.B. Spikes. 2004. Evaluating a satellite altimeter derived digital elevation model of Antarctica using precision kinematic GPS profiling. Global and Planetary Change, 42, p. 17-30.

Hamilton, G.S. and Whillans, I.M., An abandoned ice stream shear margin in West Antarctica studied using field measurements and satellite imagery. To be submitted to Journal of Glaciology.

Jacka, T.H. and others (incl. G.S. Hamilton). 2004. Recommendations for the collection and synthesis of Antarctic Ice Sheet mass balance data. Global and Planetary Change, 42, p. 1-16.

Jacobel, R.W., B.C. Welch, M.T. Bills and T.J. Engle, 2003, Ground-Based Deep-Penetrating Radar Studies Along The US-ITASE Traverse, Eos Trans. AGU, v. 84, n. 46, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21A-08 Invited.

Jacobel, R.W., B.C. Welch, M.P. Helgen and L.S. Smith, 2003, Hercules Dome - An Overview From the US-ITASE Deep Radar, Eos Trans. AGU, v. 84, n. 46, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C11C-0825.

Jacobel, R.W., Welch, B., Steig, E., Schneider, D., Glaciological and climatic significance of Hercules Dome, Antarctica: An optimal site for deep ice core drilling, J. of Geophys. Res., (in review).

Jacobel R, Welch B, Steig EJ, Schneider DP. Hercules Dome, Antarctica – an optimal site for deep ice core drilling. Journal of Geophysical Research, in review (2004).

Jacobel, R.W., B.C. Welch, A time marker at 17.5 kybp detected throughout West Antarctica, Annals of Glac., (in review).

Jacobs, S.S. and Comiso, J.C., 1997, A climate anomaly in the Amundsen and Bellingshausen Seas, Journal of Climate 10, 697-711.

Kaspari, S., Mayewski, P.A., Dixon, D., Sneed, S.B., and Handley, M.J., in review, Sources and transport pathways for marine aerosol species into West Antarctica

Kaspari, S., Mayewski, P.A., Dixon, D., Spikes, V.B., Sneed, S.B., Handley, M.J. and Hamilton, in press, Climate variability in West Antarctica derived from annual accumulation rate records from ITASE firn/ice cores, Annals of Glaciology 39.

Kaspari, S., Mayewski, P.A., Sneed, S., Handley, M., Dixon, D., and Maasch, K., 2002, Chemical fingerprinting of a Weddell Sea storm, EOS (Trans. Am. Geophys. Union), accepted.

Kaspari, S., Mayewski, P.A., Sneed, S., and Meyerson, E. Chemical Signature of an Extreme Storm Event in West Antarctica

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