Date: 11/13/03
Latitude: 77 degrees, 51 minutes South
Longitude: 166 degrees 40 minutes East
Temperature: −12°C( −10°F)
Wind speed: 19 knots
Wind Chill: −29°C( −20°F)
Wind direction: Northeast
Elevation: Not Given
Kilometers traveled: 0
Notes on daily life:
By Dan Dixon reports from McMurdo:
Today we had our risk assessment meeting with the whole team in McMurdo. We discussed all the possible injuries and dangers that would be present during our traverse and ways of reducing and eliminating the possibility of them occurring. After the meeting everyone agreed to pose for a team photo.
Our team this year consists of Matt Kippenham (our traverse leader), John Sale, Lynn Peters, James Meinert, Andrea Isgro, Tom Neumann, Dan Dixon, and two other scientists who will fly out and meet us at the AGO4 site.
Tom and I have spent the last few days working on the new Glacier Data 2−inch ice core drill. It was crucial to assemble and test the drill here in McMurdo in case any problems were encountered. As expected, the drill came together smoothly and worked like a charm. It is brilliant when things work on the first try! Now we have to disassemble the drill and repackage it ready for the long trip to South Pole on November 19th. Once the drill arrives there we will reassemble and test it again. If everything works out according to plan we should be ready to roll out by November 22−23rd.