Date: December 5, 2007
Location: East Antarctic Plateau, Drill Site 3
Latitude: 85 degrees, 46 minutes, 54.8004 seconds South
Longitude: 145 degrees, 43 minutes, 10.1424 seconds East
Temperature: −29°C ( −20°F)
Wind Speed: 9 knots
Wind Chill: −41°C (−41°F)
Elevation: 2867 meters (9406 feet)
Kilometers Traveled: 746
Ice Core Drilled: 185 meters
Written by: Nicky
After driving 34km, we arrive at drill site 3 and upon reviewing both the shallow and deep radar we find it to be a worthy drilling location. We set up camp and find that the fuel is exactly where it is supposed to be this time, but our cruise box and Gordon's extruded metal tubing (EMT: the stuff he leaves in place until the next season to see how much the ice has moved) are curiously absent. We've arrived at a good time of day (4 pm) to get back on to a normal sleeping and eating schedule, so dinner is planned for 6:30 (par normal), a movie screening follows and then we all go to sleep.
Date: December 6, 2007
Location: East Antarctic Plateau, Drill site 3
Latitude: 85 degrees, 46 minutes, 54.8004 seconds South
Longitude: 145 degrees, 43 minutes, 10.1424 seconds East
Temperature: −30°C ( −22°F)
Wind Speed: 14 knots
Wind Chill: −44°C (−48°F)
Elevation: 2867 meters (9406 feet)
Kilometers Traveled: 746
Ice Core Drilled: 220 meters
Written by: Nicky
Today's breakfast gathering is interrupted by an exciting phone call. We'll be getting a Twin Otter flight today carrying Gordon's EMT and our cruise box! This is excellent not only because these items are necessary and highly anticipated, but also because we have lots of empty fuel drums and other retro cargo (such as accumulated waste) that we could do without. The plane arrives around 3 pm and is unloaded, loaded, and then gone as quickly as usual.
Between breakfast and the plane's arrival the drill site is set up and Dan D. and Elena collect and sample the top several meters of firn with the Kovacs hand auger. This proves to be quite challenging since much of the upper firn core consists of very large, crumbly hoar crystals. This presents a problem for the 2" drill as well, but after attempting several holes, Dan B. and Gordon drill down to 12 meters and deploy the borehole logger. The 3” drill does well and Paul and Mike are happy with the 18 meters collected by the end of the day. At camp, it’s business as usual. Luci melts water and food shops, while Josh and Luke use the Fork CAT to bring all 42 drums of fuel closer to the fuel sled.